Legacy Events

Totem Assets have a memory element to remember what they did inside games. This allows game developers to emphasize important events that occurred to players, which other developers can use to alter the player experience in their own games. This creates a persistency element to player decisions, ties the different games together so that meta-narratives can emerge, and deepens the player's virtual identity.

Imagine you're playing a fantasy-type action game about killing monsters for gold. In one evening you've managed to roast around 200 goblins with your flaming sword. A month later, you've discovered a new fantasy game that you're extremely excited about, and it happens to also feature goblins. You wander around the land with your flaming sword, and all of a sudden get ambushed by a party of goblins. As they attack you, they yell: "Goblin slayer! Flame-Wielder! We will avenge our fallen brothers and sisters!". The game prompts you with a message: "Your past actions have consequences. The sword remembers".

This sort of meta-experience is something that's only enabled when developers have a system that allows communication. Totem Shared Assets have that built-in - game publish log events that tie together a game, player, asset and time. Those logs can then be interpreted by other game developers to add or alter their game's content. We believe this simple idea will spawn many new games that lean into the idea of persistent virtual identities.

You can see practical examples for Legacy Events in the monthly Totem Legacy Jam event, a game jam that takes place online in the Totem Discord and is centralized around connecting the different games created by the teams.

Here's an example of how Legacy Events may be implemented in your Unity project.

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